meet our community partners
indigo foundation works with a wide range of grassroot groups, community leaders and locally-based organisations around the world. View our current and past partnerships below for detailed information on each.
current partners
additional partnership information
Some of our community partners are well-established, others are forming. Building the capacities of our partners, irrespective of their organisational stage, is one of the investments we make towards their development efforts being sustainable over time.
We recognise that each of our partner communities is unique—in the way they organise themselves, in the needs and cultural context of their communities, and in the priorities and solutions they action with their communities.
Despite both indigo foundation and our partners being relatively small organisations, this approach makes for considerable complexity in how we tailor our support to local partners.
Each community partnership has a volunteer Partnership Coordinator based in Australia who is the key point of contact for our partners. In some partnerships, we also have a local Liaison Officer who provides invaluable support to the partnership team.